Ghanaian
man
of
God
identified
as
Prophet
Paul
Addo
has
revealed
that
things
are
not
the
same
as
they
appear
on
the
surface
when
it
comes
to
Ghanaian
men
and
women
of
God.
Speaking
in
an
interview
on
Kwamz
the
man
of
God
decided
to
bring
to
the
limelight
what
Ghanaian
men
and
women
of
God
do
behind
the
scenes,
but
when
they
are
publicly
speaking,
condemn
it.
Prophet
Paul
Addo
was
speaking
about
the
relevance
of
sacrifices
when
he
decided
to
drag
in
powerful
Ghanaian
men
and
women
of
God.
According
to
him,
it
is
good
for
every
human
to
make
sacrifices,
noting
that
sacrifices
can
make
one
successful
in
life.
He
shockingly
disclosed
that
all
the
powerful
men
and
women
of
God
we
see
both
on
screen
and
in
the
physical
world
have
made
sacrifices,
however,
they
decided
to
keep
it
from
their
congregants
and
the
public
as
well.
The
of
Reformed
churibim
and
seraphim
church
of
Ghana
believes
that
if
not
for
sacrifices,
these
men
and
women
of
God
wouldn’t
be
as
powerful
and
successful
as
they
are.