Ghanaian
man
whose
real
identity
is
yet
to
be
figured
out
has
made
a
shocking
statement
online.
Speaking
during
a
podcast
Gh
Page
has
seen
online,
the
man
stated
that
he
sees
no
sense
in
praying.
The
young
man
does
not
understand
why
the
Ghanaian
would
pray
to
God
so
he
could
help
them
make
money.
According
to
him,
there
is
no
money
in
Heaven
that
God
shares,
hence,
no
sense
in
such
prayer.
He
advised
the
Ghanaians
to
work
extremely
hard
to
make
it
in
life,
rather
than
wasting
their
time
praying
for
money.